How to Properly Care for a Marble Money Plant..
The money tree is a plant that is often given as a gift of positive energy and good luck. It comes from a humid tropical region and therefore can be challenging to care for in some climates. But with proper care, a money tree plant can grow to great heights and live a long, healthy life.
What Is a Money Plant ?
money plant is a tree species native to Central and South America, where it grows in moist, swampy areas. The money tree has dark green leaves, and when grown as a houseplant, it typically includes several trunks carefully braided together. The money tree is commonly grown in Hawaii and Taiwan and is often used as a bonsai tree.
Marble Money Plant are a popular gift for birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and housewarmings, largely due to the legend that as the plant grows and prospers, so too will its owner.
How to Care for a Money Plant ?
Money tree plant care can be intensive during the early years of the plant’s life. If it makes it to maturity and develops a robust root system, the money plant can transition into a low-maintenance species. Follow these care instructions to nurture your money tree and ensure that it flourishes:-
- If you plan to keep your Money Plant in a pot—either as an indoor plant or on the patio—you’ll need to repot it from time to time. As a general rule, you want a pot with a diameter that is as wide as the leaves of the plant. When repotting a money tree, keep the soil mix consistent (mix peat moss, perlite, and sand with fertilizer).
- If money plants sit in wet soil, they can attract fungus gnats. If their soil is too dry, they can harbor spider mites. Aphids and mealybugs are other common pests. Treat neem oil as a natural bug repellent, or use a systemic insecticide. A permethrin solution (used sparingly) can handle fungus gnats in potted plants.
- Prune unwanted branches early in the growing season, making each cut just above a leaf node. The plant will need constant indirect sunlight to generate energy to sprout new branches and leaves.
- Money plants thrive in hardiness zones 10-12. They cannot survive a hard frost. If you live in an area with cold winters, place the money tree inside your warm home and maintain the temperature between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Best conditions for growing a money Plant
Money trees require active care because few locations in the United States match the tree’s native habitat. To grow the tree as a houseplant or outdoor plant, provide it with the following:
- Money plant needs daily light, but direct sunlight will scorch its leaves. It naturally grows in partial shade under the shade of other trees, so provide a similar environment for it in your home. This may mean keeping the money tree as a houseplant or planting it in a partially covered outdoor space. Money tree can also survive in low light, but it will grow more slowly and show less new growth.
- Money tree needs moisture just as much as it needs indirect sunlight. A plant mist is a great way to keep its environment moist and its leaves clean; Placing the plant in a room with a humidifier can do all this for you.
- Money trees need moist leaves, but their roots should not sit in water. Choose a pot with drainage holes. When potting the plant, use well-draining soil (add perlite and sand for drainage purposes), and place a pebble tray at the bottom of the pot. This prevents the plant from getting soaked in water and developing root rot. Over watering is more harmful than under water, so make good drainage a priority.
- You can start your money tree in a potting mix that contains fertilizer and peat moss. Add liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season. Hold off on fertilizing during the winter months.
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